A new TV opens in Gabon

The Director General of the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB), Mr. Grégoire NDJAKA, was the guest of the MS Consulting Chairman and CEO, Mr. Mactar Silla, who is also the Founder of the new TV channel inaugurated on 14 August 2017 , In Libreville by the Gabonese President Ali Bongo Ondimba. The African audiovisual landscape has been enriched since Monday 14 August 2017 by a new television channel. Label TV officially launched its signal during its inauguration by President Ali Bongo Ondimba. Established in Angondjé, a suburb north of Libreville, this TV channel intends to offer viewers a purely African content. Available on satellite, but also on the bouquets offered by the various operators, Label TV is ready to take up the challenge through the deployment of an important network of correspondents in the four corners of the globe, from New York to Beijing by way of Lausanne , Riyadh, Dakar, Cotonou, or Libreville where the mother station is located. Three other TV stations as well as two radio stations will soon be broadcast alongside Label TV. For the Gabonese president, the advent of this new television channel is a perfect illustration of the government's policy of encouraging foreign direct investment in Gabon. "Not only is the Gabonese audiovisual landscape enriched by a new television channel, but it is mainly the pan-African character that keeps us in this event.
We see there a private investor, an African brother, who trusted us and who therefore came to invest in Gabon. This is the whole policy we are trying to achieve: attracting private investors from wherever they are, "said Ali Bongo Ondimba.
According to Alain-Claude Bilie By Nze, Minister of State, Minister of the Digital Economy, Communication, Culture and Arts, government spokesman, Gabon has always been at the forefront Audiovisual media and telecommunications on the African continent, contributing to the country's outreach to the outside world.
"Africa must believe in its potential. We professionals must take responsibility and show an Africa that moves, "said Mactar Sylla, CEO of the new pan-African multi-media group called Nelson Mandela. He is from Senegal. Prime Minister Emmanuel Issoze Ngondet and several members of the government were also at the ceremony hosted by artist Ismaël Lô, who performed the first couplets of his cult song "Jammu Africa". https://fr.infosgabon.com/gabon-label-tv-sur-le-petit-ecran/