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13th AUB General Assembly: 01-03 June 2022

African Union of Broadcasting’s 13th General Assembly

01-03 June 2022, Dakar - Senegal

The African Union of Broadcasting is pleased to announce its 13th General Assembly scheduled to take place from June 01 – 03, 2022 in Dakar, Senegal’s Terrou-Bi Hotel.

This year’s GA is themed : « The role of African Media in Disasters Risk Management ».

In fact, our populations are increasingly becoming vulnerable to both natural and human induced disasters. Global warming, floods, cyclones, landslides, volcanic eruptions or even the Covid-19 Pandemic that occurred in 2020 thus paralyzing all economies are proof that humanity is going through an astonishing period of turbulence.

These unfortunate events often result in loss of human life, fuel conflicts, devitalize the livelihoods of our populations and consequently, weaken our ecosystem. The situation is all the more worrying as it is the subject of debate within the Decision-Making bodies of the United Nations. This challenges Media Professionals to fully play their role in the prevention of these disasters.

Officials representing both AUB active, participating and associate members are invited to attend the GA in order to meet up with their peers, with climate experts and government officials and network.

The 13th AUB General Assembly will also be an opportunity to elect Members of the Executive Council and Specialized Commissions.

About the AUB

The AUB is a professional body committed to the development of all aspects of broadcasting in Africa.

An active member of the World Broadcasting Union (WBU), the AUB has more than 54 Member Organizations across Africa as well as participating and associate members based outside the continent.

The AUB’s main target is to secure a sustainable future for broadcasting in Africa, providing its members with High Quality useful content: human interest stories, sporting events, arts, economy, politics, sciences.


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