AUB’s CEO meets with CRTV's D.G
On August 3, 2016, during a mission in Cameroon, the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB)’s CEO and his team ceased the opportunity to meet the newly appointed Director General of the Cameroon Radio Television (CRTV).

The meeting held at the company's premises in Mballa II, Yaoundé, provided an opportunity for the AUB to disseminate about the Union's future projects involving its members. In his opening speech, AUB’s CEO congratulated the new General Manager of CRTV for his successful appointment. Mr. Charles NDONGO was appointed by presidential decree on July 29, 2016. During this courtesy meeting, Mr. Grégoire NDJAKA and Mr. Charles NDONGO exchanged information on the two institutions. The two leaders explored extensively how they would work together to benefit mutually from the respective institutions headed by them. AUB's CEO, who was accompanied by Mrs. Audrey KAMSU, Head of Relations with Member Organizations at AUB and as part of the team on mission in Cameroon, stressed on the various projects in which the Union is engaged. He focused on the "One-minute project" which he described as a collaborative model where each member of the Union, in his respective country, provides a single publicity shot for AUB without charge. He added that this one-minute project was to run every day for a period of 365 days during the first hours of radio and national television. Cameroon, like nine African countries, has signed the Memorandum of Understanding with AUB and many are not yet to be part of the project. Mr. NDJAKA also described the OVERON project and other FIFA Other Events. It should be noted that, recently, FIFA has approved the African Union of Broadcasting to retransmit the OFE and have acquired the marketing rights. One of the topics on the agenda was the sensitive issue of the acquisition of rebroadcast rights of sporting events by the public service audiovisual media in Africa. To this end, a strategic meeting was organized on 17 May 2016 in Dakar, Senegal. This meeting brought together Directors Generals of national radio and television from the four regions of Africa. Cameroon, an active member of the African Union of Broadcasting, was represented at the meeting by the former Director-General of CRTV, Mr. Amadou VAMOULKE and Mr. Emmanuel WONGIBE, recently appointed Deputy Director-General of the Cameroon Radio Television.