AUB Empowers African Journalists to Combat Cancer
Faced with the rising number of cancer cases in Africa, journalists have a crucial role to play in raising awareness and informing the...

2024 China - Africa Summit to shape relations for the future
The 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit, set to take place in Beijing from September 4 to 6 , promises to be a landmark...

Invitation to the Online Masterclass - AUB Foundation against Cancer, 23rd August 2024
Suite au succès du lancement de la Fondation UAR contre le Cancer, l'Union Africaine de Radiodiffusion (UAR) organise une masterclass en...

AUB Media Awards 2024: awaiting results
The doors of entries for the audiovisual production competition of the African Union of Broadcasting - AUB Media Awards are now closed....

DOWNLOAD GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROGRAMME 15th AUB GENERAL ASSEMBLY CONCEPT NOTE https://www.uar-aub.org/single-post/15th-aub-general-assembly-...

African Football Loses a Giant: Issa Hayatou Passes Away
Former CAF president and FIFA interim leader leaves enduring legacy. Issa Hayatou, born on August 9, 1946, in Garoua, Cameroon, passed...

TRT Haber to chair ABU News Group
Mr. Ahmet Görmez, the news coordinator of TRT Haber, has been elected Chair of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) News Group. His...