The CEO's message
Working altogether to make our group coherent and conquering
These few years have allowed us to work together, in order to strengthen ourselves but also to know the bitter taste of disappointment and the serenity of success; all this in a skilful dosage that life knows how to give us.
For few years, we set out to improve the image (visibility) of our Union, to increase its sympathy and reputation. Even if this important work is not completed, it is clear that an honorable path has been made.
Today, AUB is writing her own story…
Through her commitment to help her members make their contribution in writing their own story, AUB’s network of news and programs exchange was put in place. In few months of existence, it has inspired people beyond our borders with a distinction obtained in Algiers.
Our Union has, for the first time in history, obtained the management of broadcasting rights for all events organized by CAF for the period 2019-2023, including the two Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) editions.
The AUB has adopted new texts governing its functioning, in order to be in line with the development of the global media ecosystem. Operators from the private audiovisual sector have also joined the Union.
The AUB has raised the voice of broadcasters during discussions on “the Analog to Digital Process” underway on the continent. Putting some of these challenges into action was not possible a few years back.
With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, we must work hard to consolidate our achievements. We must indeed have a mastery of the various sites and ensure their sustainability by an almost permanent evaluation of their progress. To achieve this, it is important to work altogether to make our group coherent and conquering.
We must conquer new spaces and position the AUB as an essential entity in the sector which it owns on the continent. We will work to enhance governance within the AUB. Many things have been done; many more are to be done. Both our procedures and our actions must inexorably illustrate this and rally all the good will to the imperative of progress and development of the AUB. To achieve this, human capital must be improved in the sense of promoting a sense of performance and entrepreneurship. We must provide ourselves with infrastructure suited to our ambitions.
We must together create a new Union as a response to the concerns of our industry. The challenge can be taken up, we must win it!
June 2022, Dakar, Senegal
The 2016 - 2020 Transformation Agenda
At the onset of this new year, on behalf of the entire staff of the Union and in my own name, from the bottom of my heart, I would like to extend to you all, my best wishes for 2016.
This year coincides with taking up my duties as the Union’s Chief Executive Officer. I sincerely wish that during this term in office, we could work together to put the Union at the disposal of member organizations, that means addressing their current concerns notably the management of the transition from analog to digital, along with the important issue of media content and many other topics.
In order to deal with this situation, we should work together in common cause, coordinate our activities work for the development of Africa so that “an Africa rid of prejudice” can be reflected in audiovisual media across the continent.
This year, our Union is ready to launch its final Marketing Project and start up with the MENOS. We humbly request that you join in this important endeavor for the good of all.
We are convinced that this technical platform will strengthen professional relations between member organizations. The African Union of Broadcasting nurses the hope that this project will help open up our countries and all of Africa to the entire world.
We have a dream that together we can launch the extensive training and capacity building program for journalists and technical artists working every day for the development of our media organizations. The task, at a closer look, is titanic. But together we will succeed.
Together we will make our modest contribution to the well-being of the audiovisual industry across the continent, and thus improve the living conditions of our populations; an idea so cherished by the AUB's Founding Fathers.
In this anniversary year, Unity must really make STRENGTH: our common strength.
March 2016, Dakar, Senegal