Mr. Cleophas Barore, the Rwanda Broadcasting Agency (RBA)’s DG is the New AUB President of the Executive Council.
He replaces at this position, Mr Arthur Asiimwe, appointed "Proposed Deputy Chief of Mission in the Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda to...

COP28 Agreement Signals “Beginning of the End” of the Fossil Fuel Era
Dubai, December 13, 2023 The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) closed today with an agreement that signals the “beginning...

Yaoundé acolhe a CIMEIRA UAR-UNESCO SOBRE INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL E MÍDIA, de 4 a 6 de Março de 2024. No encontro, a comunicação social...

COP 28: 26 African Nations signed theDeclaration on sustainable Agric, Food Systems &Climate action
Climate News COP 28: 26 African countries out of 134 signed the declaration on sustainable agriculture, Resilient food systems and...

PRESS RELEASE: UN Global Climate Action Awards Ceremony Celebrates Youth-Led Climate Solutions
UN Climate Change News – Two young people will be celebrated as winners of the UN Global Climate Action Awards during the UN Climate...

COP28: Delegates Agree on Loss and Damage Fund
Delegates meeting in Dubai agreed on the operationalization of a fund that would help compensate vulnerable countries coping with loss...

COP 28: Delegados africanos exigem financiamento climático e de combustíveis fósseis
Na cerimónia oficial de abertura da COP 28, o Presidente da COP, Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, defendeu a confiança, a determinação, a...

COP28 abre com apelo para acelerar a acção climática
A Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Alterações Climáticas, COP28, abre com um apelo retumbante para acelerar a acção climática...