ASBU CLOUD Training Session
from DECEMBER 15 to DECEMBER 23, 2018
The UAR in partnership with the Arab State Broadcasting Union (ASBU) organized a training session on the ASBU CLOUD content exchange network from 15 to 23 December 2018 at the Télédiffusion center in Algeria. This training session is intended for the French and English focal points of the member organizations of the UAR as well as the coordination of the content exchange network of the UAR in the person of Mrs. Audrey KAMSU.
15 people from 9 countries participate in this training (Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Congo DRC, Gambia, Nigeria, Senegal, Zambia).
The training took place in two stages of four days each. December 15 to 18 for anglophones and December 20 to 23 for francophones.