AUB Presentation
In accordance with the relevant provision of the United Nations Charter and the charter of the African Union on the establishment of culture and scientific institutions, AUB was established in 1962 as the Union of National Radio and Television Organization of African States (URTNA) and named African Union of Broadcasting (AUB) at the 2006 URTNA General Assembly held in Abuja.
The AUB is professional body composed of the National Radio and Television Organization of African States that are committed to the development of all aspects of broadcasting in Africa.
The AUB is comprised of the following 3 areas:
The General Assembly
The Executive Council
The Specialized Commissions
The General Assembly
The General Assembly which is the supreme body of the Union possess all the powers necessary to achieve the objectives of the Union and adopts its own rules of procedure. The General Assembly meets once a year in ordinary session.
The Executive Council
The Executive Council is composed of:
The President
Three Vice-Presidents
Representatives of 5 geographic zones
Representative of the member organization from the country that hosts the Head Office
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The Specialized Commissions
The Specialized Commissions are the:
Programme Commission
Training and Technology Commission
Marketing, Sales and Communications Commission
Administrative, Legal and Financial Commission.
The competence of the specialized commission extends to all matters relating to the fields which have been assigned to them for study by the Executive Council or the General Assembly.